Update on proposed Clinical Waste Treatment Facility at Church Lane, Hixon

Further details about how members of the public can make comments about the proposed Clinical Waste Treatment Facility within an existing building off Church Lane, Hixon.
The planning application seeks approval for a potentially hazardous waste treatment plant close to St Peter’s School and other nearby residential properties and business premises.
Local residents have already expressed concerns that the proposed process to incinerate up to 3,504 tonnes of ‘clinical waste’ appears to be untried and untested. Clinical waste is generated from health care premises such as hospitals, doctor’s surgeries and care homes. Such waste comprises swabs, bandages, dressings, syringes and other sharps and poses a serious risk of infection. It can also contain ’anatomical waste’ which includes human or animal tissue, organs and other identifiable body parts.
All the waste has to be collected, stored, transported and processed with great care to avoid the risk of infection spread. There were also questions over the credibility and competence of the applicant/site operator to ensure the untested process does not discharge harmful and/or unpleasant gases into the atmosphere 24 hours a day and 365 days of the year.
The proposed Clinical Waste Treatment Facility would be contained within an existing building set back approximately 90m from Church Lane. The exhaust flue would be 15m high and 80m from St. Peter’s School playing fields.
Staffordshire County Council Planning application reference number is SCC/24/0064/FULL-ES. Direct link; https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/staffordshire/application-details/28941.
Hixon Parish Council has objected to the application because of the significant risk to health caused by an untried and untested process so near to a Primary School.
Members of the public can submit a comment via; https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/staffordshire/signIn You will need to provide your name and contact details before submitting a comment. The closing date for comments is 21st September 2024.
A printed information ‘flyer’ will be delivered to all households in Hixon Parish area over the course of the next seven to ten days. Thanks to everyone who has so far offered to help with delivering. Looking for more delivery volunteers. Call or message 07966 135536 if you can help.