Clinical Waste Treatment Facility……other ways to comment

APPLICATION NO. SCC/24/0064/FULL-ES – Change of use of an existing building (B2 / B8 use) for a Clinical Waste Treatment Facility (sui generis) at Land at Hixon Industrial Estate, Church Lane, Hixon, ST18 0PY.
There are three ways to submit a comment to Staffordshire County Council about the above planning application;
Find a current application and enter SCC/24/0064/FULL-ES ;
2. via email to
- In writing (quoting the application number, providing your name, full address and post code, and marking the letter for the attention of:
David Bray
Policy & Development Control
Staffordshire County Council 2 Staffordshire Place,
Tipping Street Stafford ST16 2DH