Parish Council Meeting
Hixon Parish Council
To: All Councillors
Notice, Summons and Agenda for a Meeting of the full council on
17 September 2024 at 7:00pm in Hixon Memorial Hall
Item Ref | Agenda Item | Report By |
Open Meeting | Chair | |
005/24 | To receive apologies. | Chair |
006/24 | To receive declaration of interest in any matter on the Agenda. Chair has recused himself from discussions/votes on all planning applications. |
Chair |
007/24 | To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011 | Chair |
008/24 | Consider minutes of meeting 16 July 2024 | Chair |
009/24 | To determine any items on the agenda considered to be of a private nature that should be discussed at the exclusion of the Public and Press, under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2). (Proposed 110/23). | Chair |
083/22 | Consider agreement to continue with the scheme of delegation as agreed at meeting in January 2023. | Chair |
010/24 | To receive Borough Councillors’ reports. Written or verbal | Chair |
011/24 | To receive County Councillor’s report. Written or verbal | Chair |
012/24 | Close meeting for Public Participation. | Chair |
014/24 | Reopen meeting & agree date of next meeting (19th November 2024). | Chair |
015/24 | Chair’s announcements and Parish Councillor questions comments. | All |
016/24 | Planning Applications (previously considered by delegation to Clerk/Planning Committee) | None |
24/39049/FUL Change of use of land to use as a residential caravan site for 3 gypsy families each with one mobile home, one touring caravan and one day room and stable block, car parking, foul drainage, landscaping and hardscaping Land Opposite Beech Tree Farm London Road Pasturefields | Object | |
SCC/24/0064/FULL-ES for Change of use of an existing building (B2 / B8 use) for a Clinical Waste Treatment Facility (sui generis) at Land at Hixon Industrial Estate, Church Lane, Hixon, ST18 0PY | Object | |
Agenda Items | ||
026/24 | To consider updated Resolution Tracker and agree actions | Chair |
027/24 | Clerk’s Report – To note, and for information only. | Clerk |
032/24 | Update on marking boxes on car park by footpaths | Chair |
036/24 | New Road congestion – feedback on request that all lorries/HGVs use the bottom (nearest the A51) entrance to Hixon Airfield Estate. | Cllr Hopcroft |
040/24 | Update on CCTV on playing field | Cllr Hever-Smith |
042/24 | Consider prices for planters underneath noticeboards. | Cllr S McKeown |
043/24 | Update on floral decoration inside phone box at Sycamore Drive | Chair |
046/24 | Consider allowing all councillors to be substitutes on the Planning Committee (with the exception of Cllr B McKeown whilst he is Chair of the SBC Planning Committee). | Clerk |
047/24 | Best garden awards: set date for presentation and agree prizes | Chair |
048/24 | Christmas Tree lights switch-on event: consider actions required, set date. | Chair |
049/24 | Consider quote for installation of large poppies (drilling holes and erection/removal). | Clerk |
050/24 | Consider location(s) of SID over winter and associate costs. | Clerk |
051/24 | Report on HPC Assets and Parish On Line | Cllr S McKeown |
052/24 | Advertising scheduled Parish Council meetings and Planning Meetings | Cllr S McKeown |
053/24 | Date for Assets Inspection | Chair |
Projects, Task Groups and External Meeting Reports | ||
045/22 | To receive and consider report for bike track facility at Church Lane Playing Fields. | Cllr Hever- Smith |
110/23 | Consider report from Highway and Road Safety group | Chair |
111/23 | Consider report regarding Electric Vehicle Charging | Chair |
Finance / Administration / Legal | ||
033/23 | Bank Reconciliation | Chair |
013/23 | Schedule of Prospective Agreed Payments (Amounts to be confirmed (amended if necessary) when known. Late invoices not included on the agenda may be paid, subject to resolution by majority of Councillors). | Chair/Cllr Hopcroft |
Employment costs – Sept | £727.32 | |
Reimburse C Gill Sept – monthly purchase of Microsoft 365 Business | £12.36 | |
Mileage (8 miles @45p per mile) | £3.60 | |
Stamps (16 2nd class) | £13.60 | |
Acer – mowing (+ SID move) | £TBA | |
Reimburse B McKeown for floral art for telephone box(es) | £TBA | |
WaterPlus – car park drainage 2024 (8th August to 8th Sept) | £TBA | |
Mazars for external audit | £TBA | |
HMRC – Sept | £292.70 | |
034/23 | Receipts August 2024 | |
Bank Interest (August 31st) | £TBA | |
035/23 | Consider significant correspondence received from residents: | |
Post | None | |
Email/phone calls: Complaint regarding traffic speeds on New Road. 1 letter/1 comment on Waste Incinerator planning application | ||
From August 2024 | ||
033/23 | Bank Reconciliation | Cllr Hopcroft |
013/23 | Schedule of Prospective Agreed Payments | Chair/ Cllr Hopcroft |
Employment costs | £727.52 | |
Reimburse C Gill August – monthly purchase of Microsoft 365 Business | £12.36 | |
Reimburse C Gill mileage (28 miles @ £0.45 per mile) | £12.60 | |
WaterPlus 8th July to 8th August 2024 | £47.79 | |
Acer Garden Landscapes – July mowing + SID move | £783.00 | |
NBB Recycled Furniture for picnic bench | £672.00 | |
Information Commission Sept 24 – Sept 25 | £40.00 | |
HMRC: PAYE | £292.50 | |
Receipts 6th July to 5th August | ||
VAT refund for Q1 | £1727.58 | |
Interest from bank | £75.55 |
27 August 2024 Catherine Gill, Clerk to Hixon Parish Council |
Hixon Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting of the Full Council held on Tuesday 17 September 2024
In attendance for all or part of the meeting: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cllr. B McKeown (Chair), Cllr. Craen, Cllr. Hever-Smith, Cllr. Hilton, Cllr Hughes, Cllr. S McKeown, Apologies: Cllr Hopcroft, Minutes taken by C Gill – Clerk, RFO and Proper Officer. |
Members of the public: 1. Borough Cllr A Cooper gave apologies.
Meeting ended 9:15pm |
Hixon Parish Council
17 September 2024
Christmas Lights Switch-On Saturday 30th November 2024
Report No. 1
P a g e 1 | 3
1 Purpose of Report
1.1 To consider the proposals set out in this report;
2 Background Information and Key Issues
2.1 Hixon Christmas Tree lights were first installed and switched on in
December 2016.
2.2 Since then, it has grown in scale and popularity and is now a major
fixture in the Hixon social calendar;
2.3 Since its inception, the Hixon Christmas Tree Lights Switch-On events
have been created, organised and managed free-of-charge by JBS
Entertainment (Jim Carmichael, Brendan McKeown and Susan
McKeown). JBS have agreed to offer their services again to provide the
entertainment and promotional package for the 2024 Hixon Christmas
Tree Lights switch-on;
2.4 The lights will need to be tested by Darren Hever-Smith and Jim
Carmichael, ideally before 30th September. Report required on any
failed light strings;
2.5 Allow budget of £ 300 for any replacement light strings (from
International Components Ltd, Church lane, Hixon);
2.6 Clerk to check date when transformer and housing was last Portable
Appliance (PA) tested by a qualified electrician. Action as appropriate;
2.7 The installation of the big screen is the most time-consuming and
hazardous challenge on the day of the lights switch-on; especially in
windy conditions. The big screen is the property of Hixon Millennium
Green Trust;
2.9 Ground sockets were installed in 2023 and scaffold poles purchased to
make assembly a quicker and safer method. Poles are in the HMGT
shipping container with fittings;
2.10 For insurance and other purposes, Hixon Parish Councill will be the
over-arching event organiser; All Hixon Parish Councillors are welcome
to help with the event set up;
2.11 An application for a road closure order (to Stafford Borough Council)
will need to be submitted by mid-October. Application fee £ 127 (To be
Hixon Parish Council
17 September 2024
Christmas Lights Switch-On Saturday 30th November 2024
Report No. 1
P a g e 2 | 3
2.12 A Temporary Entertainment Licence (TENs) application will need to be
submitted to Stafford Borough Council by mid-October. Current
application fee is £ 21.00 (to be confirmed);
2.13 A promotional flyer (double sided A5) for the event and invite for
donations of mulled wine, mince pies and sausage rolls will be
designed and printed for door-to-door distribution in early November.
Budget cost £ 100
2.14 JBS will liaise with home owners in the vicinity of the Christmas tree
organise to source power supplies and space for stalls etc.
2.15 Hixon Parish Council will need to formally agree to allow the use of
Hixon Parish Council’s projector as a backup.
2.16 Arrival of Santa in Grotto. Over the years, JBS has devised a number
of different way in which Santa has appeared on site. This year, JBS
has an idea that will require some materials such as hardboard sheets,
lengths of timber, fixings and paint. This will be re-useable for future
years. Propose materials budget of £ 100. Design and construction free
of charge;
3 Financial, Resource and legal Implications
3.1 Road closure order: £127 (TBC);
3.2 Temporary Event Notice: £21.00 (TBC);
3.3 Promotional leaflet printing £ 100;
3.4 Provisional budget for replacement light strings if required £300;
3.5 Budget for new Santa grotto £100;
Resources –
3.5 Clerk to apply for Road Closure Order (before mid October);
3.6 Clerk to apply for Temporary Event Notice (before mid October);
3.7 Clerk to arrange PA Testing if required;
3.8 Cllr B. McKeown to arrange for cherry-picker to enable lights to be redressed
if required; Cllr D. Hever-Smith and Jim Carmichael to assist;
Legal Implications
3.9 See points 3.1 and 3.2;
Hixon Parish Council
17 September 2024
Christmas Lights Switch-On Saturday 30th November 2024
Report No. 1
P a g e 3 | 3
3.10 Clerk to advise Council’s insurer.
4 Recommendation
4.1 To receive this this report and agree the proposal as set out.
5 Report produced by
5.1 Cllr B. McKeown
6 Appendices
Hixon Parish Council
17th September 2024
HPC Assets and Parish Online
Item 051/24
Page 1 of 2
1 Purpose of Report
1.1 To recommend this report be received and considered at Hixon Parish
Council (HPC) meeting 17th September 2024.
2 Background Information and Key Issues
2.1 It is a requirement of the Parish Council to hold an up to date assets
2.2 The Council has agreed to hold its assets on an application called
‘Parish Online’.
2.3 Whilst undertaking the transfer of the current asset list to Parish Online
anomalies were found. The list was incomplete; VAT was included in
the costs of some assets and there was no replacement costs
assigned for insurance purposes.
2.4 Following meetings with the Parish Online task group, it was proposed
to update the current asset list. The new list to include all assets; some
assets to be broken down into their various components were
appropriate; replacement costs; removal of VAT elements and
categorised to also include an inventory for items less than or equal to
2.5 It is proposed to officially introduce a de minimis value of £100 for
purchased items. Those items should not attract replacement costs or
be included on the list for insurance purposes.
2.6 The attached spreadsheet shows the above together with other
information required to complete the asset list.
3 Financial
3.1 None
4 Resources
4.1 Clerk to provide the required information to complete asset list
5 Legal Implications
5.1 To agree the introduction of £100 de minimis value.
Hixon Parish Council
17th September 2024
HPC Assets and Parish Online
Item 051/24
Page 2 of 2
6 Recommendation
6.1 To agree updating asset list as per 2.4 above.
6.2 To agree to the introduction of a de minimis of £100 for purchases and
to keep an inventory of such items.
6.3 To agree to the Clerk providing such information to complete asset list.
Please see attached spreadsheet.
7 Report produced by
7.1 Cllr Susan McKeown
8 Appendices
8.1 Asset Spreadsheet