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Hixon Parish Council is a statutory consultee on all planning applications submitted within the parish area. Most planning applications for small extensions to dwellings are uncontroversial, but some may be considered unneighbourly or excessive.

The Parish Council considers all planning applications openly and impartially. Councillors reach a consensus on whether to object or not to object and makes a recommendation to Stafford Borough Council accordingly. The Parish Council must provide valid planning reasons if it objects to an application.

Planning applications for extensions to existing industrial areas are more often controversial, but councillors have to consider all applications on their merits or otherwise. Once again, valid planning reasons have to be submitted if the council objects to an industrial development.

The final decision on all planning applications is made by Stafford Borough Council planning department or the Planning Committee. The Planning Committee comprises eleven elected Borough Councillors, drawn from all political parties and independent councillors in proportion to the whole council of forty councillors.